Frequently asked questions


Yes! Active Odysseys’ trips are for runners of every level and pace. We are all in it together.


Yes! Friends and family are not only welcome, but encouraged. The race itself makes up only one morning of the trip and every itinerary is built to allow special time in a special place with the people special to you. Non-runner guests pay a rate that does not include the cost of race registration.

do you accommodate solo travelers?

With pleasure! It is a priority on every trip to create a group dynamic that welcomes everyone and you can be sure that you will bond with like-minded runners and travelers before, during and after the race. Solo travelers pay the single-room rate. If you prefer, there may be other single-room guests on your trip who would like to share a twin room. While this cannot be guaranteed, please be sure to ask.

do you offer packages with just race entry?

No. Active Odysseys provides full-travel packages that come with guaranteed race-entry, but we cannot provide race-only enrollment.

do you offer a coaching service before the trips?

Yes! Founder Chris Montgomery is an RRCA-certified coach. Each runner registration includes a one-time, private coaching consultation to discuss possible approaches to training. In addition, every runner-guest will have the option to attend 8 bi-weekly, virtual group-coaching sessions in the leadup to the trip. Chris or one of his network of other certified coaches can also offer sustained coaching at a discounted rate. Click here for more details.

WHAT IF I WANT TO extend my trip?

We can help with that! Let us know your plans and we can provide you with additional options for before or after your Active Odysseys trip.

can’t i try to do this all myself?

Booking through Active Odysseys removes a lot of the challenges, time burdens and uncertainty that a self-planning traveler might encounter. Enrollment on our trips comes with a guaranteed entry to your event. As a registered tour operator, our established partnerships with on-site agencies give us not only access to the best services in each destination, but also the peace of mind of having additional flexibility and support in the event of any unforeseen circumstances. Registering on an Active Odysseys trip also means being part of a group whose members are united by a love of running and a desire for world exploration.