we also offer coaching

You don’t need to TRAVEL with Active Odysseys to sign up

Founder Chris Montgomery is an RRCA-certified running coach with a marathon PR of 3.04.  He has has run 17 marathons, including 16 negative split times, 7 sub-3.10 times and 9 Boston-qualifying times.  An initial coaching consultation and 8 bi-weekly group coaching sessions are included with every registration on an Active Odysseys trip, but we also offer individual coaching services.

Chris’ “CORE 4” principles of coaching:

  1. Maximize your joy - We do this sport because we love it. Even when training cycles are hard (and they sure do get hard), the process should still be fun.  “Success” is not binary and is not determined solely by what the clock says on any random race day.  It can instead be measured by the combination of effort,  enjoyment and sense of accomplishment over the entire duration of a cycle.

  2. Run strategically - Focusing throughout training on controlling pace, avoiding going out too fast and leaving gas in the tank for the end leads to strong finishes, negative splits…and PRs.

  3. Listen to your body - “Easy” days are designed to be exactly that - easy.  Take rest days when needed; slow down when needed; cross-train when needed; use strength training to increase durability.  We can only make it to the finish line if we make it to the start line.

  4. Come back for more - Finish every training cycle and race and with a feeling of pride and a desire to do it all again.

Chris and his network of coaches offer online 1:1 coaching, with customized training plans on the Final Surge platform and regular virtual meetings to review progress and strategize.

If you want to hear more about coaching options, please complete the form below and one of the team will be in touch very soon with more details.


I am so glad I chose Chris as my coach! He is extremely knowledgeable, he frequently sends words of encouragement and feedback after workouts, makes marathon training truly enjoyable and always answers questions in a way that helps me understand “the why” of what I am doing.

Emily - Alexandria, VA

I took my time finding the right coach and I’m so glad I found Chris! Between his passion, knowledge, and expertise of running, he’s truly been the asset that I needed. Having workouts built for me is an absolute game-changer and his feedback and guidance is invaluable. He is helping me train better and smarter! 

Stefanie - Prosper, TX

Chris not only provides me with great training plans, but has also taught me how to fuel my body properly and mentally prepare for long runs. He quickly answers my many questions and helps keep me focused on what matters most. I would not have finished my first marathon without him.

Melissa - Boston, MA

Every topic I’ve asked Chris about has been answered with the perfect amount of detail and I always have full confidence in his guidance and advice. He makes big goals feel more manageable through his tailored training plans. I am so glad to have him with me on my running journey.

Sarah - New Boston, NH

Chris has been an incredible motivator and a fantastic listener.  After my long break from running, he has built workouts that make me feel strong and confident and he has challenged me to take things to the next level. I now feel motivated and I loving running again. I am grateful that he gives me the flexibility to work around my schedule and my family as I invest in my physical and mental well-being.

Jules - Wilmington, MA

I have trained for marathons in the past where I followed a "cookie-cutter" plan, but since working with Chris under his personalized plan, I have developed a much more effective training and racing strategy and have achieved PRs at multiple distances.  His feedback is always targeted and he is clear on what the purpose and intent is for every workout.  I now think not about whether I will PR, but by how much!

Danny - Wilmington, MA

Chris’ passion for running is so contagious! It adds a level of fun and excitement compared to other training programs. I have always really valued his help strategizing how to visualize race day - the morning routine, the sections of the course, when to conserve energy, when to just send it. He helps me form a mental plan that instills the confidence I need to know that I am ready.

Sean - Seattle, WA

Chris’ coaching not only made me a faster runner, but also a smarter runner.  His approach to racing and racing strategies take the stress away from the training process and from race day. His training programs are fantastic and give me flexibility in my life while still getting results. He has a true knowledge of and passion for the sport. 

Jill - Concorde, MA

Chris had been fantastic to work with! He has a genuine passion for my running goals and he works closely with me to make sure that I am on track to achieve them. He gives me regular feedback, helps me stick to the plan and he addresses all my questions and concerns. He goes the extra mile to make sure my plan is specific to my needs, schedule and fitness level.

Justin, Nashua NH